Friday, September 23, 2011

Clean It or Lien It

Modesto has greatly been impacted by the foreclosure crisis but very little has been done to help solve the issue.  A foreclosed property brings down property values for all the homes in the neighborhood, it can increase crime, fire, and health hazards.  It is time for Modesto to implement a Clean It or Lien It program.  Such property abandonment programs have been successful in other California cities such as Chula Vista and Murrieta and will be very beneficial to Modesto. 

The program would hold lenders responsible for their foreclosed properties by forcing them to register the property with the city, then they must maintain their properties to neighborhood standards.  The registration lets the city know who to hold accountable for each property, and at a registration fee of $70 a foreclosed property, the city could easily raise over $40,000 to start the program.  Then the lenders are forced to maintain their properties or they could be fined anywhere from $100 to $1000 a day depending on the violation. 

Such programs have been very beneficial to the communities where they have been enacted and it is time for Modesto to hold lenders accountable and to protect our citizens.  Join me and together we can get a Clean It or Lien It program here.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Reaching Voters

It is no secret that I am running an extremely low budget grassroots campaign.  However, I can't think of a better way to campaign.  I have had the great pleasure of talking to hundreds of voters.  I am getting a good overview of what people find important, as well as a lot of positive feedback.  Most people I talk to want new leadership and new ideas and are happy to see me running for office.  I'll keep you posted on how things are going and if you would like to help you can contact me at: and we can discuss the many ways you can volunteer.

A New Endorsement

I am proud to announce that I recently received the endorsement from the Stanislaus-Tuolumne Central Labor Council.  I have a long history of working with Organized Labor to protect working families and I look forward to building this relationship going forward to ensure the people of Modesto have a voice in local government. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Getting out to the people

Yesterday I walked two precincts and in a few hours I'll be hitting the streets with seven volunteers to cover a few more.  The people of Modesto are the most important part of my campaign and I am taking my message straight to them.  Let me know if you want to join us.